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  1. Mrs Williams' Classroom >
  2. Slavery



Watch this video to know more about slavery and check what you've understood in the following activities

1st viewing

What is the video about?     (1 word)

What country is mentionned in the video?       (5 words)

Have you heard the words:

un navire   ►   a  

un propriétaire d'esclaves   ►  a

2nd viewing

Part 1  (0 to 25s)

What is slavery?    It's when people    (3 words)

What are the 2 adjectives used to define slavery? It's  and   .

Where did American slaves come from?

Most African slaves   from   and packed tightly onto a   , sometimes for several  .

What happened to many of them? They    from   or  .

Part 2  (25s to 1mn49)

When did the 1st slaves arrive in the American colonies?    

What happened to the families when they arrived? They   from each other.

They   at auctions.

What did white slave-owners do to them? They   ,   and   them.

How long did the situation last? It lasted for almost .

Where did the slaves work? They worked on  .

Were they paid for their work?      (short answer)

How did the whites justify themselves? They thought  .  (7 words)

Who owned a lot of slaves? A lot of  !   (2 words)

Part 3  (1mn49 to 2mn54)

Who changed the situation? the .   (4 words)

What did they do? They made it .

What was the consequence? A lot of to freedom.

What could they use? The .  (2 words)

What was it? It was a network of , and .

Where did they want to go? To the .


What president frightened the Southern states? .  (2 words)

Why? They were afraid he would outlaw* .    *rendre illégal

What did they do? They made . (6 words)

.What was the name of the war which opposed the North to the South? The .  (2 words)

Who won the war? The

What was the text which freed the slaves in the South? The

When was it ratified?

What was the other major text? the in (date)

What did it do? It made in the USA.

Was it the end of the problems for African Americans?     (1 word)

Who can you see on the video to illustrate other challenges?   (full name in 3 words)